老马 发表于 2013-11-28 20:21:57

Maintenance Therapy for NSCLC: Consensus and Controversy

老马 发表于 2013-12-1 18:42:25


       回顾CINV近30年来的治疗进展,从1978年前尚无有效止吐处方到1998年5-羟色胺3(5-HT3) 受体拮抗剂联合地塞米松的应用,再到2003年神经激肽1(NK1)受体拮抗剂的上市,临床化疗的止吐效果有了明显改善。但在临床实践中仍存在许多问题,如对CINV的预防性治疗不足、完全控制率低,对迟发性CINV的处理不力,CINV的发生率被低估、止吐指南的执行不乐观等,亟待临床医师高度重视并注重患者的个体化治疗。



       化疗药物的种类、剂量和用法等药物因素是影响CINV最重要的决定因素。因此,有效防治CINV需要充分了解各种化疗药物和方案的致吐风险,再针对性的选择止吐方案。《2011 年肿瘤支持治疗多国协会(MASCC)指南》根据化疗方案的致吐风险将其分为高、中、低和极低致吐风险药。关于蒽环类联合环磷酰胺(AC)方案,最新版美国临床肿瘤内科学会(ASCO)指南已将其归为高致吐风险方案。






      2003年两项随机对照临床研究比较了标准止吐方案(昂丹司琼+地塞米松)±阿瑞匹坦对接受高度催吐性化疗药物(HEC,顺铂≥70 mg/m2)治疗患者CINV的预防作用。结果显示,联合阿瑞匹坦组对HEC导致的急性和迟发性CINV的CR(68%对48%,P<0.001)和无呕吐率(72%对50%,P<0.01)显著优于标准止吐组。2011年中国学者开展的高剂量顺铂(≥70 mg/m2)研究亦得出相似结果,阿瑞匹坦+标准止吐方案(格拉司琼+地塞米松)对CINV的CR(69%对57%,P=0.007)和无呕吐率(71%对57%,P=0.003)明显高于标准止吐组(图1)。在针对接受AC方案治疗的女性乳腺癌中,阿瑞匹坦联合标准止吐方案在预防CINV的CR(P=0.015)和无呕吐率(P<0.001)亦显示更优。

       值得一提的是,阿瑞匹坦是细胞色素P450 3A4(CYP3A4)的中度抑制剂,有些化疗药(如环磷酰胺、多西他赛)均是 CYP3A4 的底物,联用时代谢会受影响,疗效和毒性作用是否也受影响?目前研究数据显示,尚无确切证据证明阿瑞匹坦对接受依托泊苷、长春瑞滨或紫杉醇静脉输注患者的安全性有影响,且多西他赛和静脉输注长春瑞滨的药代动力学研究显示有无阿瑞匹坦的曲线下面积(AUC)并无差异。但阿瑞匹坦与口服长春瑞滨或其他主要靠肠壁CYP3A4代谢的口服药联合时,应该慎重。

       基于临床研究结果,2011年MASCC更新的预防CINV指南中,阿瑞匹坦被推荐作为多种止吐方案的用药之一。对于接受高致吐风险药物或AC方案化疗的患者,含阿瑞匹坦的三联方案(5-HT3受体拮抗剂+地塞米松+阿瑞匹坦)推荐用于预防急性CINV,阿瑞匹坦联合地塞米松用于治疗迟发性CINV。阿瑞匹坦的推荐使用剂量如下:用于预防急性CINV的剂量为125 mg,化疗当天服用;用于预防迟发性CINV的剂量为80 mg,连续两天口服。



       2010年一项研究以顺铂≥70 mg/m2治疗的患者为研究对象,将>65岁、男性、≥每周5次饮酒或顺铂≤80 mg/m2单一因素定义为致吐低风险,结果发现所有单一因素均不能鉴别患者不会获益于阿瑞匹坦用药。2011年另一项根据存在的危险因素数目分析AC研究的结果发现,包含0个危险因素的患者接受昂丹司琼加地塞米松的无呕吐率达87.5%,但这仅占总人数比例的27%,即只有一项危险因素,至少仍有1/3的患者接受昂丹司琼加地塞米松治疗后仍发生呕吐(图2)。因此,对于接受顺铂或AC方案化疗的患者,2011年MASCC、ASCO、NCCN等多个指南均推荐应用含阿瑞匹坦的止吐方案。


       2011年8个欧洲国家开展的多中心PEER研究数据显示,遵守指南的化疗预防药物可明显降低患者在中、高度致吐风险化疗方案治疗中出现CINV的比例,但由于CINV 的发病率在欧洲被低估,因此医生没能很好地遵照指南给患者预防用药;同时,亚洲患者中CINV的发病率同样也被低估,指南执行情况亦不客观。




老马 发表于 2013-12-1 18:44:31









老马 发表于 2013-12-1 18:48:22

本帖最后由 老马 于 2013-12-1 18:50 编辑


老马 发表于 2013-12-1 19:39:48

帕利夫明Palifermin(商品名Kepivance 凯望斯美国Amgen公司)
    在双盲临床试验中,血癌患者在接受高剂量化疗加放射治疗前,被随机静注60mμg·kg-1· d-1(n=106)或安慰剂(n=106),共3d。接着患者接受骨髓移植,并被再给予3d的kepivance或安慰剂。最严重的口腔溃疡(4级)发生率在kepivanc组(20%)比安慰机组中(62%)降低了3倍,3~4级溃疡发生率也减少大约1/3(63%比98%)。Kepivanc缩短溃疡疼痛时间(2~4级)达1周之多(8 d比安慰机组的14 d)。研究发现被kepivanc治疗的患者显著减少了口腔和喉头红肿,吃,喝、吞咽和说话能力都有显著改善。此外,接受kepivanc的患者要求吗啡止痛的时间也比安慰机组少(7d比11d)。

老马 发表于 2013-12-1 19:58:05

本帖最后由 老马 于 2013-12-1 20:11 编辑

老马 发表于 2013-12-1 20:07:58

Use Glutamine To Reduce The Severity Of Mucositis And Neuropathy (During Chemotherapy Or Radiation Therapy)
If you are about to start a course of chemotherapy that can cause mucositis (i.e. of the mouth, throat or esophagus) or peripheral neuropathy (i.e. hands and feet), ask your oncologist if you can use glutamine to help reduce the severity of these common symptoms.
If you are going to receive radiation therapy to the head, neck or chest (specifically, anywhere near the esophagus), Glutamine can be helpful to reduce the development of severe mucositis in these tissues.
**Did you know that honey is also a proven therapy for mucositis? Read my previous blog entry on honey and mucositis.**
You can buy glutamine (usually in the form of L-glutamine), in powder, capsule, tablet, or liquid form. However, I recommend using the powder form of L-glutamine, and mixing it in with cold or room temperature liquids (water or juice.) It should not be added to hot beverages because heat destroys glutamine. Glutamine therapy works best if started at the time of beginning radiation therapy or chemotherapy. It will be less effective if you start this after already showing signs or symptoms of mucositis or peripheral neuropathy.
For the prevention of oral mucositis (OM)
Mix 10 grams of powdered glutamine in a small glass (6-8 ounces) of water or juice. Swish and gargle for 30-60 seconds and swallow. You can continue to do this until the 6-8 ounces are gone. Repeat every 8 hours (schedule: morning, mid-day, evening)
Start this regimen on the first day of chemotherapy and continue for 14 days after the last dose of chemotherapy in patients who do not develop OM or until 5 days after resolution of OM for patients who experienced OM.
Other recommendations:
Refrain from eating or drinking for 30 minutes after dosing.
Adhere to good oral hygiene practices and gently brushed their teeth twice daily, 30 minutes or more after using glutamine, using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
Daily flossing and an alcohol-free fluoride rinse is recommended.
This is based on a study that showed a significant reduction in OM among patients using oral glutamine.
These investigators used a proprietary glutamine suspension (Saforis, MGI Pharma, Inc., Bloomington, MN), which was administered at a dose of 2.5 g per 5 mL 3 times per day for a total daily dose of 7.5 g. This product reportedly is able to be better absorbed into the oral mucosa than standard glutamine. (I believe that this can be compensated for by using a higher dose, 10 grams, 3-times per day, of standard glutamine, as recommended above.)
Various chemotherapy regimens used in this study (21-day cycle): cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and 5-fluorouracil (CAF); 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FAC); or doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (AC).
Compared with placebo, glutamine significantly reduced the incidence of moderate-to-severe OM 39% vs. 50% (placebo.)
For prevention of mucositis of the throat and esophagus (esophagitis) from radiation and chemotherapy:
Mix 10 grams of powdered glutamine in a small glass (6-8 ounces) of water or juice. Drink (swallow). Repeat every 8 hours (schedule: morning, mid-day, evening)
Start this regimen 1 week before radiation therapy and continue for 2 weeks after completion of radiation therapy.
This is based on a study that showed a significant reduction in esophagitis among patients receiving this regimen versus no glutamine:
There was minimal-to-no-esophagitis was seen in 71% of the glutamine supplemented patients versus only 44% without glutamine
By the end of treatment, the glutamine supplemented patients gained 2.6 kg (median), while those without glutamine lost 3.3 kg (median)
There was a significant delay to the time of first noticing esophagitis in the glutamine patients versus the non-glutamine patients: 25 days versus 16 days.
There were also fewer treatment breaks, hospitalizations and late esophageal toxicities among the patients who took glutamine versus those who did not.
Importantly, there were no differences in cancer recurrence rates at 24 months of follow-up (the glutamine did not reduce the effectiveness of treatment.)
For the prevention of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (studied with oxaliplatin and paclitaxel)
Mix 15 grams of powdered glutamine in a small glass (6-8 ounces) of water or juice. Drink. Repeat every 12 hours (schedule: morning and evening)
Start this regimen on the day of oxaliplatin infusion and continue for seven days thereafter. Repeat with each infusion.
This is based on a study that showed a significant reduction in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy among patients receiving this regimen versus no glutamine:
After all 6 cycles of chemotherapy, 48% of patients in the glutamine group had no peripheral neuropathy (PN) versus only 27% in the non-glutamine group.
After all 6 cycles of chemotherapy, 12% of the patients in the glutamine group had moderate-to-severe PN versus 32% in the non-glutamine group.
Glutamine supplementation significantly improved cold intolerance and lessened the interference to activities of daily living.
Chemotherapy dose-reductions were less frequently needed in the glutamine patients (7%) versus those not taking glutamine (27%)
There were no differences found in the response to chemotherapy or survival between the two groups.
Glutamine has been shown to reduce the degree of mucositis through:
anti-inflammatory mechanisms (inhibition of one of the main switches that turn on inflammation, NF-kappaB)
inhibition of bacterial toxins
increased tissue healing (increased fibroblast and collagen synthesis.)
We don’t know exactly, however it is believed that glutamine may exert its neuroprotective effects by upregulation of nerve growth factor. In animal studies, supplementation with glutamine appears to increase NGF.

This is an area of controversy, as it is well-known that under certain circumstances cancer cells use glutamine for energy even more voraciously than glucose.
However, no human study, have ever shown that glutamine increased tumor growth rates or decreased the efficacy of other cancer therapies.
Over the last 20 years, 36 clinical studies have demonstrated the tolerance, safety and effects of glutamine (oral and IV) in patients undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. In each of these studies, researchers have reported that glutamine supplementation in cancer patients improves their metabolism and clinical situation without increasing tumor growth.
Potential Side Effects and Drug Interactions:
Generally, very well-tolerated and is considered safe for use by most people for the duration of cancer care (chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy) in doses up to 40 grams per day (adults.)
Do not use glutamine if you:
Have kidney failure, kidney dysfunction, or if your kidney function is impaired or abnormal.
Have liver failure, liver dysfunction, or if your liver function is impaired or abnormal.
Have ever been diagnosed with or had a period of hepatic encephalopathy (liver function that affects your mental, emotional, or cognitive state).
Have a history of mental illness, especially bipolar depression (manic depression), mania, or hypomania.
Have a history of seizure disorders, such as epilepsy or are taking medications to control a seizure disorder.
Have a history of allergic reaction to monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavoring agent sometimes used in the preparation of Chinese food in restaurants.
Are taking or have been prescribed to take a medication called lactulose.
Adverse drug-glutamine interactions are not common, but (as with any supplement) always check with your physician before starting glutamine.

老马 发表于 2013-12-1 20:23:43

本帖最后由 老马 于 2013-12-1 20:27 编辑

2.推荐使用0.9%生理盐水,有条件可使用Benzydamine (Difflam)漱口液,用软牙刷刷牙。
4.头颈部肿瘤放疗可以使用帕利夫明Palifermin(商品名Kepivance 凯望斯美国Amgen公司),是一种重组人角化细胞生长因子(keratinocytegrowthfactor,KGF),最近被证明可以有效的减少大剂量化疗诱发的口腔黏膜炎的发生。

Jarrow Formulas, L-Glutamine, 17.6 oz (500 g) Powder $25.97 ¥158.25

爱笑的天使 发表于 2013-12-31 15:01:59



老马 发表于 2014-1-3 11:26:49

PLOS ONE: Combination of EGFR-TKIs and Chemotherapy as First-Line Therapy for Advanced NSCLC: A Meta-Analysis
The impact of combining epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR–TKIs) and chemotherapy as first-line therapy for patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains controversial. Therefore, randomized trials that compared this combined regimen with chemotherapy or EGFR–TKIs monotherapy were included for this meta-analysis. We used published hazard ratios (HRs), if available, or derived treatment estimates from other survival data.Eight trials eventually entered into this meta-analysis, including 4585 patients. Overall, the combined regimen significantly delayed disease progression (HR = 0.81, 95% CI 0.69–0.95, P = 0.01); subgroup analysis showed significantly higher progression free survival advantages in Asian patients (P<0.001), with sequential combination of TKIs and chemotherapy (P = 0.02). In selected patients by EGFR-mutation, both mutation positive (HR = 0.48, 95% CI 0.28–0.83, P = 0.009) and negative (HR = 0.84, 95% CI 0.72–0.98, P = 0.02) patients gained progression free survival benefit from the combined regimen, albeit the magnitude of benefit was marginally larger in mutation positive patients (P = 0.05). In selected patients by smoking history, never/light smokers achieved a great progression free survival benefit from the combined regimen (HR = 0.51, 95% CI 0.35–0.74, P = 0.0004). Unfortunately, the combined regimen had no significant impact on overall survival, irrespective of ethnicity, dose schedules or EGFR-mutation status.
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